Antonia Baraggia | Associate Professor of Comparative Public Law
Department of Italian and Supranational Public Law | University of Milan
Via Festa del Perdono 7, 20122 – Milan, Italy
Mobile: +39 3339152219
Twitter: @AntoniaBaraggia
Building Capacity in Comparative and EU Law in HEIs of Mongolia (COMP-LAW)
The project aims at building integrated, multidisciplinary courses in Comparative Public Law, EU and International Law topics; and introducing best practices and new research methods; capacity building of academic staff in pedagogical and methodological approaches and to forge collaborations between partner HEIs. The project is implemented from 1 March 2023 for three years period of time.
Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education 2022
Università degli Studi di Milano
Unimi Coordinator
Antonia Baraggia